Thursday, September 22, 2011


I tried my mother's zuchinni bread recipe. She always makes it every fall. She even puts chocolate chips in the bread. I grew-up on it and I love it.
Of course, because I tried did not work. It tasted horrible. I dont know what I did wrong (ohh, I know I made it instead of having my mom do it). She has perfected the art of this zuchinni bread.
Hope you enjoy some of the pictures I took :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall Decorations

I love fall. I hope that you do as well. I have all my Halloween decorations up allready (most of which I got at the Goodwill). I recomend that you try and get all that you can at thrift stores. They have some really great prices and selection. Why waste all your money at big box stores, when you can support places like the Goodwill or Visiting Nurses (another local thrift store in my town). Many thrift stores support great causes in the community.

So, go Fall and go Thrifting!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back to work

I am back to work on Tuesday!!! I had the summer off (I work at the local high school). I am soooo not ready. *Yawn*