Thursday, September 22, 2011


I tried my mother's zuchinni bread recipe. She always makes it every fall. She even puts chocolate chips in the bread. I grew-up on it and I love it.
Of course, because I tried did not work. It tasted horrible. I dont know what I did wrong (ohh, I know I made it instead of having my mom do it). She has perfected the art of this zuchinni bread.
Hope you enjoy some of the pictures I took :)

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Fall Decorations

I love fall. I hope that you do as well. I have all my Halloween decorations up allready (most of which I got at the Goodwill). I recomend that you try and get all that you can at thrift stores. They have some really great prices and selection. Why waste all your money at big box stores, when you can support places like the Goodwill or Visiting Nurses (another local thrift store in my town). Many thrift stores support great causes in the community.

So, go Fall and go Thrifting!!!!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Back to work

I am back to work on Tuesday!!! I had the summer off (I work at the local high school). I am soooo not ready. *Yawn*

Thursday, August 25, 2011

My Own Back Yard

Today was a busy day filled with swimming and bbq'ing. It was nice to just enjoy my back yard with my family. I also like to take pictures. Below are some from today. I particularly like my back yard. I live in the city (if you could call Centralia a city)...but it doesnt feel like it when I am in my yard. Summer is almost over. Here are some pictures to remember it:)

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Apple Pie Filling?? YES, PLEASE!!!

My mom helped me can some apple pie filling. We use this almost every year when apples are in plenty. It makes for anything apple that you can bake. This family recipe has been in our family for some time. Thanks mom for the help!! I love you!!

Recepe: MIX TOGETHER 4 1/2 cups sugar (or splenda if you prefer).
                                           2 tsp. cinnamon
                                           1/4 tsp. nutmeg (or to taste if u like it stronger)
                                            1 tsp. salt

             STIR all ingredients above with 10 cups water. Cook until bubbly and thick (if it does not get as thick as you would like it...use some corn starch to thicken it up...u dont want runny apple pies or cobblers.)
             ADD 3 Tablespoons lemon juice and stir to the mix.
             Pack tart apple slices into canning jars (leaving 1 inch headroom from top of jars).
             FILL jars with hot syrup leaving 1/2 inch space from top of jar
             HOT water bath about 10-12 minutes for quart size jars. 8 minutes for pint sized jars.
              Recipe should make about 7 quarts.


Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Days of MY life:)

Bucket Head!!

Sleepy Time!!

Alexander and Zachy!!

Myself and my hubby!!!

Zach and Isaura and Alexander

My sister Lisa and I

My little Buddy


The Fruit Stand

Tomorrow our local fruit stand opens up in Chehalis. I am excited to go and see what there is to buy. I am thnking of dehydrating some fruit. Apples are always good. Maybe some peaches or pineapple?? I was also thinking of some veggies as well. What do u think would be good to dehydrate??

Sunday, June 5, 2011


I went to Barns & Noble the other day. I picked up this snazy new crafting book titled Upcycled Accessories 25 Projects Using Repurposed Plastic by Tracie Lampe. All I can say is start saving your plastic bags and candy wrappers. It's really a neat book.